Berdien Nieuwenhuizen

Information on Berdien Nieuwenhuizen's work

Berdien Nieuwenhuizen on her work:

"Phenomena in nature - structures, colors and shapes - are central in my work. In particular I am fascinated by plants, leaves and flowers. My 'clippings' betray working with patterns for applied products for the interior, but have become autonomous in the end. In paper the shapes and lines are cut out of the flat, flat paper, releasing a tension and the shapes come out. The layering of some of the works creates an interaction of colors and shapes. Through light and shadow it sometimes seems as if an extra, unexpected dimension is added to the work.My fabrics of strips of fabric, are more pronounced in color and shape. They look like large flower paintings, but with structure.Besides my interest in nature, I am also attracted to stories of people, the world, fairy tales and myths. This is reflected in the titles of installations such as 'Phoenix', 'The sadness of people', 'Fragile basics', 'To pluck the stars from the sky, you don't have to trample the roses under your feet' and 'Ikaros'. For these works I use other techniques besides cutting in paper. In other textile works the layering returns.The last couple of years I've become more and more attached to a craft making process and I try to work in a sustainable way. I see the meditative, long lasting making process of weaving and embroidery as a counterpart of the ever increasing hectic in which we live. It is the centuries-old techniques, everywhere in the world the same and yet executed in a different way, which again interest me."

View Berdien Nieuwenhuizen's work here